Chichester planning applications: Here’s the latest list of submissions across the district | SussexWorld

2022-07-23 01:26:31 By : Mr. Peter Wang

Passersby rush to help as schoolboy is robbed in Horsham town centre

‘Serious’ Eastbourne fire spreads across 6 properties

BI/22/01509/DOM: Merrieweather, 18 Greenacres. 2 no. 2 storey extensions, 2 no. single storey extensions, remodelling and refurbishment of existing dwelling.

BI/22/01621/FUL: Court Barn, Court Barn Road. Replacement dwelling, outbuilding and associated works (Variation of condition 2 from planning permission BI/21/02858/FUL - Amendments to plans with changes to the fenestration to east elevation, roof lights and roof design over lobby).

BO/22/01468/DOM: Crab Apple Cottage, Lower Hone Lane. Replacement cedar fence on roadside boundary.

BO/22/01482/FUL: Broadbridge Business Centre, The Crate Cafe, Delling Lane. 1 no. storage container and 1 no. container and associated external works (retrospective). Installation of 1 no. converted shipping container and construction of 3 no. wcs.

BO/22/01550/FUL: Bosham Sailing Club, The Quay, Quay Meadow. Erection of balcony structure to replace the current marquee.

BO/22/01614/FUL: The Hamblin Trust, Bosham House,Main Road. Erection of summerhouse (Variation of condition 4 from planning permission BO/07/02966/FUL - To amend condition to refer to the new owner HTH Vision Ltd).

BO/22/01615/FUL: Bosham Lodge, Main Road. Extension to existing building to form meeting room with ancillary facilities (Variation of condition 4 from planning permission BO/03/01653/FUL - To amend condition to refer to the new owner HTH Vision Ltd).

BO/22/01616/FUL: Bosham Lodge, Main Road. Replacement of offices with smaller single storey unit and demolition of existing - variation of condition 4 of Planning Permission BO/98/01792/FUL - to amend the condition to refer to the new owner HTH Vision Ltd.

BO/22/01659/TCA: Holy Trinity Church, High Street. Notification of intention to fell 2 no. Holly trees (quoted as T603 and T632), 1 no. Hawthorn tree (quoted as T634) and 1 no. Holm Oak tree (quoted as T636).

BX/22/01528/FUL: Tinwood Estate, Tinwood Lane, Halnaker. Tasting room extension to the existing facility.

SDNP/22/02961/LDE: Knapps Farm, Bignor Road, Bignor. Existing lawful development certificate for the continued use of buildings/land for the storage of vehicles with repair and maintenance of stored vehicles.

CC/22/00029/FUL: Friends Meeting House, Priory Road. Replacement of 3 no. windows on first floor and upvc patio windows and door (to the courtyard) on ground floor.

CC/22/01031/DOM: 8 Laburnum Grove. 2 story side extension.

CC/22/01065/LBC: 71-72 East Street. Refurbishment of external roof areas and internal repairs to finishes to ground and first floor retail units and second floor residential unit.

CC/22/01310/DOM: Maycroft South Bank Chichester West Sussex. Retrospective installation of a painted wooden gate at the entrance to the side passage of house.

CC/22/01386/TPA: Land North And North East Of 20 Otway Road. Reduce west sector by 2-3m on 2 no. Box Elder trees (Tree 1). Crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Tree of Heaven (Tree 3). All 3 no. trees are within Group, G1 subject to CC/06/00025/TPO. Crown reduce by 3m on 1 no. Lime tree (Tree 2) subject to CC/12/00035/TPO).

CC/22/01485/OUTEIA: Land To The West Of Centurion Way; Land At Bishop Luffa School; Land At And Adjoining Westgate And; Land To The North-east Of Old Broyle Road And St Pauls Road. Outline planning application with all matters except Access reserved for the second phase of development of the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location (SDL) for 850 homes and employment land with vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Westgate and via phase 1, extensions to approved phase 1 community facility and primary school, informal and formal open space (including northern Country Park), playing pitches and associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure. Associated demolition of existing agricultural buildings on site. Closure of Clay Lane vehicular access.

CC/22/01486/DOM: 6 Friary Lane. Repair works to flint and brick piers, replacement cladding to external walls, omit 1 no. window and replace with cladding, replacement porch to front door, demolition of existing garage (Retrospective). Replacement timber fencing and additional timber trellis above flint and brick garden wall.

CC/22/01491/DOM: 5 Melbourne Road. Proposed single storey rear extension and alterations.

CC/22/01501/REM: Graylingwell Hospital, College Lane. Application for the approval of Reserved Matters for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following Outline Planning Permission 14/01018/OUT - erection of class C2 assisted living/extra care accommodation with communal facilities and car parking.

CC/22/01559/DOM: 20 Winchester Drive. Front porch extension.

CC/22/01628/LBC: St Johns Chapel, St Johns Street. Proposed restoration and rebuilding of the pipe organ. Insertion of new steel beam beneath floor at east end. Addition of steel beams above floor of gallery to support the organ frame.

CC/22/01661/OBG: 49-51 Fishbourne Road East. Request to change the tenure of the 12 affordable dwellings subject to the S106 Legal Agreement of 5 December 2018 pursuant to planning permission FB/17/01287/FUL from Affordable Rent to Social Rent.

CC/22/01682/ADJ: St Anthonys School, Woodlands Lane. Application Number: WSCC/018/22. Installation of a modular building comprising 2nr. classrooms for secondary pupils with SEND needs, ancillary spaces and a new footpath.

CC/22/01687/OBG: Graylingwell Hospital, College Lane. Discharge of S106 first schedule section 4 - recycling centre.

SDNP/22/02292/FUL: Compton Farmhouse, Church Lane. Proposed conversion of a redundant agricultural building to a single 2 storey dwelling.

SDNP/22/02855/HOUS: Eastwood Farm, Graffham Road. Demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of new building comprising of pool, gym and garden store.

EWB/22/01208/DOM: 2 Garden Avenue, Bracklesham. Rear extension.

EWB/22/01514/TPA: Land At Hilton Park, East Wittering. Reduce height by 1m and reduce widths by 0.5m on 1 no. hedgerow consisting of Cypress trees and TPO'd Poplar trees within Group, G2 subject to EWB/85/00436/TPO.

FB/22/01542/DOM: Estoril, Main Road. Erection of a two storey side extension and two storey infill extension.

SDNP/22/03063/CCC: Calloways, Graffham Street. Confirmation of Compliance of Condition 1 of Planning Permission SDNP/22/02123/CND.

SDNP/22/03045/LIS: 1 The Old School House, The Street, South Harting. Replacement oil tank.

HN/22/01560/DOM: Bell Barn, Church Lane. Change of use of detached garage, studio and garden room to create 1 no. annexe including proposed porch to north east elevation and alterations to fenestration.

SDNP/22/02733/HOUS: Roughmere, Lavant Road. Internal alterations, replacement windows, removal of cement render, erection of greenhouse, shed and part of fence.

SDNP/22/02734/LIS: Roughmere, Lavant Road. Internal alterations, removal of cement render, erection of greenhouse, shed and part of fence.

SDNP/22/03093/TCA: Netherfield, Vicarage Lane. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Pittosporum tree.

LX/22/01478/FUL: Mill House Farm, Drungewick Lane. Extension to 2 no. barns and addition of cart shed doors.

SDNP/22/02329/HOUS: Blackdown House, Fernden Lane. Single storey pool house.

SDNP/22/02422/FUL: Castle Copse, Fernden Lane. Construction of new secondary access.

SDNP/22/02634/PNTEL: Streetworks at Lamberts Lane. 16m streetworks (5G Fifth Generation Telecommunications Equipment) at Lamberts Lane, Midhurst (Ref CHC20862).

SDNP/22/02874/LDP: 2 Roma, Bepton Road. Proposed lawful development for loft conversion and rear dormer.

SDNP/22/02923/HOUS: 210 A286 The Croft to Bex Lane, Cocking Causeway, Cocking. Repair and refurbishment works, internal and external alterations, landscape works.

SDNP/22/02924/LIS: 210 A286 The Croft To Bex Lane, Cocking Causeway, Cocking. Repair and refurbishment works, internal and external alterations, landscape works.

SDNP/22/02992/TPO: 1 Oakhurst, Carron Lane. Fell 1 no. Western Red Cedar tree (T1) within Area, A1 subject to MI/61/01150/TPO.

NM/22/00122/DOM: 1 Elm Cottages, Post Office Lane. Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and garages. Proposed single storey rear extension and two storey side extension.

SDNP/22/02989/TCA: St Michaels Church, A283 Luffs Meadow to Pipers Lane. Notification of intention to crown reduce by up to 3m (all round) (back to previous cut/pollard points) on 1 no. Willow tree.

SDNP/22/02201/FUL: The Granary, Station Road. Demolition of building and replace with 3 no. holiday lets.

SDNP/22/02244/FUL: Tasty Plaice, Pound Street. Internal alterations to existing non-load bearing walls and extension of 2nd floor into roof void. Alterations to shop frontage. New roof light, new porch and external re-decoration.

SDNP/22/02583/HOUS: 1 Pound Place, Pound Street. Internal and external alterations including new staircase, new windows, new bathrooms, new WC and replacement of former pool and concrete paths with a lawned garden.

SDNP/22/02610/HOUS: Limbo Farm, London Road. New entrance gates and posts.

SDNP/22/02696/FUL: Land West of 290A Horsham Road. Retrospective change use from agricultural land for extension of existing schooling course together with adjustment to operation.

SDNP/22/02969/HOUS: 330 Grove Street. Demolition of existing rear porch extension and new single storey extension with internal alterations. Reinstatement and renovation of existing loft with new staircase, dormer window and conservation rooflight.

SDNP/22/02970/LIS: 330 Grove Street. Demolition of existing rear porch extension and new single storey extension with internal alterations. Reinstatement and renovation of existing loft with new staircase, dormer window and conservation rooflight.

SDNP/22/02971/HOUS: The Cottage, 330 Grove Street. Demolition of existing garden shed to allow replacement with new home office.

SDNP/22/02571/HOUS: The Dairy House, Durleighmarsh. Single storey side extension with minor internal alterations.

SY/22/01502/OBG: Land East Of Manor Road. Variation of S.106 agreement for planning permission 19/00321/FUL.

SY/22/01612/FUL: Land To The Rear Of The Crown Inn, 107 High Street. Retention of 7 bay covered seating shelter & play area, provision of open sided pergola, styled shelter for customers, and rationalisation of vehicle parking.

SDNP/22/02296/HOUS: Meadow Cottage, Knights Hill, Charlton. Replacement and re-siting of oil-fired boiler.

SDNP/22/02297/LIS: Meadow Cottage, Knights Hill, Charlton. Replacement and re-siting of oil-fired boiler.

SB/22/01051/DOM: Prinsted Farmhouse, Prinsted Lane, Prinsted. New bathroom, associated new window and works to existing window.

SB/22/01373/DOM: 146 Stein Road. Single storey side/rear extension.

SB/22/01433/LBC: 4 The Square, Prinsted Lane, Prinsted. Proposed first floor extension with minor internal and external works.

SDNP/22/02598/FUL: Chithurst Buddhist Monastery, Chithurst Lane, Chithurst. Removal of horticultural glasshouse and construction of a single storey Kuti building for purposes associated with the activities of the Monastery.

WI/22/01440/DOM: Harbour View, Itchenor Road. Erection of a new-build garage and pool house, ancillary to an existing dwelling (previously approved under application ref. WI/21/03545/FUL). Existing Poolhouse to be demolished.

WW/22/01455/FUL: Stakes Island, Snow Hill. Increasing height of a specified area in order to improve the site as a nesting habitat for a range of species.

WE/22/00708/FUL: Land Adjacent To 15 The Shire. Change of use of land from paddock to garden.

WE/22/01538/FUL: Land To The Rear Of Mile End House, East Street. Erection of 6 no. dwellings, landscaping and alteration to existing access.

WE/22/01649/TCA: Westbourne Court, White Chimney Row. Notification of intention to fell 1 no. Beech tree (T1).

WH/22/01409/DOM: Little Place, 24 Stane Street. Removal of timber and glass porch including reconfiguration of roof to retain single storey brick structure. Single storey rear extension.