French farmer fined over €100k over cattle's noise and smells

2022-05-14 15:36:00 By : Mr. Gofar Machinery

The courts have ordered a French dairy farmer to pay over €100,000 and demolish his shed after neighbours brought proceedings over his cattle’s noise and odours.

Vincent Verschuere, who farms in Saint-Aubin-en-Bray (Oise), north of Paris, came before the courts in March 2022.

The court heard that the dispute has been going on for one decade. Neighbours had raised concerns, particularly in relation to the farm’s expansion in recent times.

The court heard how he has invested some €600,000, which he obtained as a loan, to extend his farm by erecting two sheds.

He is in the process of repaying this and will now have to demolish the building following the court case.

According to French media reports, the Court of Appeal of Amiens confirmed in March, a decision of the court of Beauvais of 2018, which had recognised, in the first instance, the “abnormal neighbourhood disturbances” of the exploitation.

Farmers have rowed in behind 33-year-old Verschuere, who farms in the region of 250 cattle.

They have created a fundraising page to financially support the farmer, are organising a rally/protest today (Friday, May 13th, 2022) and have created a petition.

On the Leetchi fundraising page, a spokesperson said: “Welcome to this support kitty for Vincent Verschuere’s Farm and his mom, Chantal.”

“Many of you bring your moral support every day to the Verschuere Farm. This gives them the courage to continue the fight. Following your requests, we have just opened this support pot.”

“As a reminder, they have been fighting for more than ten years in numerous legal proceedings to continue their activity.”

“On Tuesday, March 8th, they were sentenced to the demolition of the shed, where their milking parlour, their cows and their young bulls are located, as well as the payment of €102,000 in compensation to the neighbours.”

“Without his work tool, Vincent can no longer continue his activity. Today, stunned by this decision, they have no solutions yet. But with lawyers, they are still looking for legal remedies or yet another arrangement to satisfy the neighbours.”

“Your donations will, therefore, be used to finance the fittings of the building and the legal fees to continue our administrative procedures.”

“Feel free to contribute any amount you wish; any kind of support is welcome,” the spokesperson concluded.

They have called on the public to sign a petition entitled: Save the farm: no to the demolition of the Verschuere family shed, to support the French farmer.

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