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A DISPUTE between landowners rages on nearly eight months after it was first reported in the Gazette.
Mundole Farm owner Jenny Davidson is calling for the owners of neighbouring static caravan site Riverview Country Park to respect her property boundaries and clean up waste including raw sewage.
Ms Davidson asked Moray councillor George Alexander (Forres, Independent) to review the problem.
He said: “There have been threats to remove newly erected boundary fences and accusations of sewage flowing on the surface.”
Since Ms Davidson took over the farm in 2000, she has tried to define her field borders to increase her livestock and income. In 2017, a solicitor surveyed and marked the site.
Ms Davidson claimed: “Riverview residents removed markers so I had to have it resurveyed before fencing work. We concreted in metal strainers, two of which Riverview removed. I informed the police but they were unable to act without a witness. The surveyor used a 1989 map approved in 2017 by the Land Registry of Scotland. My solicitor has instructed Riverview to remove all debris including flower beds, a touring caravan, sheds, constructions, garden equipment and fencing, but they haven’t. I’ve already cleared five tractor trailer loads. My business has been hindered by Riverview’s refusal to accept boundaries and its staff’s aggression.”
Ms Davidson maintains that recently while her contractor was fencing, Riverview’s manager Graham Calley told him he would remove the fence as soon as he left. She then received a letter saying that unless she removes the fence, he will have it removed. She also claims another manager went to her house and “shouted in her face”.
She added: “ I’ve asked Riverview for a copy of the map they believe to be correct for the boundaries but they’ve not produced it.”
Ms Davidson also points to sewage leaking from septic tanks on Riverview a year on from her first complaint.
Site manager, Graham Calley, is adamant the dispute is being caused by Ms Davidson.
He said: “Jenny recently illegally moved a fence and we gave her notice to reinstate it with a gate she created on our land and for which she has no permission.”
He added added that her allegations about his staff are “totally unfounded” and accused her of using abusive language, finishing: “There is absolutely no debris on her land now and the sewage problem has almost been eradicated.”