The town is revamping its existing Department of Public Works facility using $44 million appropriated at the 2020 November Special Town Meeting and 2021 annual Town Meeting.
As drilling activities continue, read the April 4 construction update and view progress photos >>
The following is information published earlier.
The existing site is about 4.4 acres, spanning four masonry buildings, including a salt shed and fuel facility. Built in 1914, three of the buildings hold historical designations from the National Register of Historic Places, while the fourth was constructed in 1977.
The proposed development includes the rehabilitation of Buildings A through D and the new construction of Building E, a combination of a pre-engineered metal building and conventionally framed structure, with most of the end-users relocated into their renovated spaces.
The new 43,000-square-foot building will consist of workshops, employee facilities, town engineering, maintenance shops, vehicle storage, automated vehicle wash bay and a two-story administrative office fronting Grove Street.
Additional new site development includes a new 6,000-square-foot gambrel arch salt shed at the rear portion of the facility and an upgraded municipal fueling station.
Project costs are summarized in the Capital Planning Committee’s report to Town Meeting >>
The project is expected to be completed by summer 2023.
This news brief was published Monday, April 4, 2022.
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