SEMO District Fair begins set up, extra security added for 2022 | News |

2022-09-10 01:42:39 By : Mr. Allen Zeng

CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO - The 2022 SEMO District Fair began set up on Tuesday at the fair grounds, with eight days of events scheduled and added security measures for the 166th event. 

The fair begins this coming Saturday, Sept. 10. 

It’s a favorite in the Missouri Bootheel … closing out summer with eight days of events.  

That includes grandstand music, barrel racing, carnival rides and more.  

 “Well, the fair is important to the community," Pete Poe, fair director said. "Not just to me, but to the community. It’s an opportunity to bring people together, an opportunity for youngsters to show their live stock to show their hard work, it’s an opportunity for kids to see the Ferris wheel and all the other exciting rides out in the midway, visit with old friends, eat fair food, corn dogs."

There are some changes this year to security with the Cape Girardeau Police Department. Cape PD always has a specific patrol assigned to the fair, along with their regular patrol on the streets and help coming in from the sheriff's office and highway 

“We’ve done everything we could this year," Cape Girardeau Police Department Public Information Officer Cpl. Ryan Droege said. "These newly implemented measures I think are the best ones yet. I think every step that can be taken to make it safe without being overbearing has been taken.“ 

Part of the new safety measures are metal detectors at the gates, along with regular purse and bag checks. No weapons at all will be allowed on fair grounds. 

They're also closing one of the gates and redirecting traffic, hoping it helps things run smoothly.  

“When we know we’re safe, when we know as best we can we’re protected, we can relax," Cpl Droege said.  "We can have more fun, we can enjoy the camaraderie of being out in the a crowd like that. It’s what we like the help with a provide in such an event. “ 


Non-livestock, open class exhibit entries accepted in the Arena Building and 4H Exhibit Hall

9:30 am – Parade runs from Capaha Park to the Fairgrounds

Pre-entry required by September 7 at the Fair Office

12:00 pm through 7:00 pm – FREE caricature drawings by Share Faerber

1:00 pm through 3:00 pm – Free Bingo

4:00 pm through 6:00 pm – Family Feud, sponsored by Cape Elks Lodge

7:00 pm through 9:00 pm – 2022 River Radio Heartland Idol LAST preliminary round

8:00 am – 11:00 am: All non-livestock open class entries for competition and display inside the Arena Building and 4H Exhibit Hall will be accepted. ENTRIES MUST BE IN BY 11:00 am.

11:00 am: Cornhole/Bags Tournament by SEMO Baggers – singles event – American Legion Pavillion

1:00 pm: Cornhole/Bags Tournament by SEMO Baggers – doubles event – American Legion Pavillion

1:30 pm – All classes of entries inside the Arena Building judging to include Fine Arts, Photography, Floriculture, Horticulture, Family & Consumer Science and FFA Horticulture.

1:00 pm: 4H poultry, rabbits, guinea pigs – Poultry Tent

4:30 pm: Senior draft horse show and mule hitch challenge – Ball field #7

9:00 am – 10:00 am: Cape County Cowboy Church

2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: SEMO District Fair Pageant (rehearsal)

3:00 pm – 6:00 pm: SEMO District Fair Pageant

10:00 am – 1:00 pm: Flying W Barrel Racing practice

1:00 pm – Flying W Barrel Racing Extravaganza

11:00 am – Draft horse judging – Livestock Arena

1:00 pm – Poultry and Rabbit Dress-Up Contest • Children’s Crowing & Hen Clucking Contests – 4H / FFA goat tent show ring

2:00 pm – 4H dairy bucket calves, 4H dairy and FFA dairy judging – Livestock show arena

5:30 pm – Draft horse & mule hitch judging – Arena grandstand

6:00 pm to 7:30 pm – Platinum Performing Arts Baton Twirling and Dance

7:00 pm – River Radio’s Heartland Idol Final (FREE grandstand event)

8:00 am – All dairy cattle – Livestock show arena

9:30 am – Draft mules with jacks and jennets to follow – Ballfield #7

1:00 pm – Holstein with brown swiss and guernsey to follow – Livestock show arena

5:30 pm – 6:00 pm: Mother/Daughter look-a-like contest

6:00 pm – 6:30 pm: Father/Son Look A like contest 


7:00 pm: Cain with Jordan St. Cyr

10:00 am to 2:00 pm – Montgomery Bank Senior Day (Free Bingo)

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm – Free Bingo

7:00 pm – The Steel Woods and Casey Donahew

8:30 am: 4H Beef bucket calves with 4H and FFA steer judging to follow – Livestock show arena

8:30 am: 4H & FFA market swine carcass; 4H & FFA market swine, open class market swine and open class market swine carcass judging – Swine tent show ring

8:30 am: 4H goats with FFA goats to follow – 4H / FFA goat tent show ring

8:30 am: 4H, FFA and open class sheep – sheep tent show ring

1:00 pm: 4H and FFA combined beef show – livestock show arena

5:00 pm: Charolais judging – Livestock show arena

All entry gate admissions only $3

6:00 pm to 7:30 pm: Stand Up Comedy featuring Buzz Sutherland, sponsored by Laughing Gas Comedy Club

8:00 am: Hereford judging with simmental to follow – Livestock show arena

8:30 am: Guinea pigs, pigeons, poultry and rabbits – Poultry tent

4:30 pm: 4H & FFA livestock sale (sale order: Lambs, Goats, Barrows, Steers) – Livestock show arena

7:30 pm: Draft pony and mini mule hitches judging – Ballfield #7

9:00 am: 4H & FFA Public Speaking competition

7:00 pm: Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League Western Series

8:00 am: Angus judging – Livestock Show Arena

9:30 am: mini mules judging – Ballfield #7

1:00 pm: other breeds beef cattle with commercial heifers to follow – Livestock show arena

1:30 pm: Draft ponies judging – Ballfield #7

3:30 pm: 4H draft horse, draft mule, mini mule and draft pony judging – Ballfield #7

7:30 pm: Draft ponies and mini mule hitches judging – Ballfield #7

10:00 am: 4H & FFA Tractor Rodeo – Grandstand area infield (Ballfield #4)

6:30 pm: Cross-cut saw competition – Antique Tractor display area

10:00 am to 1:00pm: Dog Day! Local businesses, dog shelters and training centers go to the dogs!

12:00 pm to 7:00 pm: Free caricature drawings by Share Faerber

4:00 pm to 5:30 pm: Line Dancing Classes

6:00 pm to 8:00 pm: GenX – 80s party jams!

8:30 am: 4H Clover Kids’ small animal show

10:30 am: Quarter scramble – Livestock show arena

11:00 am: Cornhole/Bags tournament team singles event – American Legion pavilion

1:00 pm: Cornhole/Bags tournament doubles event – American Legion pavilion

2:00 pm: Pee Wee showmanship – Livestock show arena

Have a news tip or story idea? Email Carie Kuehn at

Carie Kuehn is the southeast Missouri bureau reporter for News 3. She is originally from Iowa and attended Illinois State University before relocating to Sikeston, MO.

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