Site Supervision Among Four New NYC Construction Safety Bills - SUN News Report

2022-07-02 01:45:59 By :

The New York City Council has passed four new construction safety bills.

Among other important changes, these new bills will require more site safety supervision on more construction sites across the City.

Int 2263A-2021 – Definition of Major Building This bill lowers the threshold for a major building construction site to include construction sites that involve existing or proposed buildings 7 or more stories or 75 feet or more in height, triggering additional site safety requirements for more construction sites;

Int 2276A-2021 – Construction Superintendents This bill requires additional site safety supervision at major building construction sites, requiring the sites to designate a full-time construction superintendent, who would be responsible for safety and code compliance, along with overall management of the construction project, in addition to a site safety coordinator or site safety manager;

Int 2262A-2021 – Final Inspections for Temporary Construction Equipment Permits and Prohibiting Stand-off Brackets This bill no longer requires certain final inspections for temporary construction equipment and prohibits the installation and use of stand-off brackets; and

Int 2264A-2021 – Cold-formed Steel Construction This bill amends certain existing requirements and establishes new requirements for the use of cold-formed steel light-frame construction and amends related special inspection requirements.

A total of 144 workers suffered an injury in construction accidents in New York City during the 3-month period of April, May, June 2021 compared to respectively, 68, 150, 233, 170, 171, and 134 during the same period of 2015-2020.

Last year, the numbers were lower because of the Covid19 lockdown.

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