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Objective: To improve governance and conflict prevention to reduce forced displacement and irregular migration in cross-border areas of South Sudan.
Key partners: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, and the Central Bureau of Statics.
Beneficiaries reached: 281 000 households (1.7 million people), food security partners and line ministries.
Conducted seven Food Security and Nutrition Monitoring System (FSNMS) analyses, four annual Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions (CFSAMs), nine Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analyses, four market analyses and annual nationwide Resilience Index Measurement Analyses in collaboration with partners.
Trained 350 crop monitoring experts annually to conduct CFSAMs.
Trained 420 enumerators and 60 supervisors annually on FSNMS survey methods.
Trained 124 Level 1 IPC trainers and four IPC Level 2 facilitators on food security assessment in collaboration with the IPC Global Support Unit.
Trained 20 people on market report assessment methods.
Established 18 county livestock information systems and trained 45 livestock information monitors.
Established the Predictive Livestock Early Warning System, which produces quarterly forage situation analysis reports.
Installed 41 new rain gauges to increase precipitation monitoring.
Trained 826 community animal health workers (CAHWs).
Vaccinated 3.2 million animals belonging to 160 000 households against anthrax, black quarter, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia, haemorrhagic septicaemia, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, sheep and goat pox, peste des petits ruminants and Newcastle disease in cross-border areas.
Treated 443 978 animal against diseases and internal and external parasites, benefiting 49 342 households.
Procured 30 cattle crushes to facilitate vaccination of cattle.
Provided eight solar-powered cold chain facilities to enhance vaccine distribution.
Established a reporting system for transboundary animal disease outbreaks.
Trained 71 staff from veterinary diagnostic laboratories in Aweil, Abyei, Torit and Juba on laboratory diagnostics and sample collection.
Contributed to the development of the National Livestock Development Policy (2019-2023), the United Nations Strategic Response Plan to Mitigate Cattle Raiding Related Conflict in South Sudan (2019-2025), and the South Sudan Feed Management and Utilization guidelines for pastoral and agro-pastoral areas (2020).
Established three livestock identification and tracking systems in Abyei, Renk and Aweil.
Constructed five slaughter slabs and one meat market shed, and rehabilitated six auction yards to enhance value chains and supply local markets with meat.
Formed five hides and skins groups benefiting about 25 households each, and provided them with a total of 49 knife sharpeners, 160 knives, 160 pairs of gloves, 385 corrugated sheets of galvanized steel, 574 m of lumber, and 252 kg of nails.
Trained 11 100 people on commodity development, business skills and various income-generating activities, including beekeeping, honey processing, hides and skins processing, milk handling and processing, milk marketing, acacia gum harvesting and marketing, metal working and masonry, meat processing, poultry breeding, vegetable production and carpentry.
Provided 8 216 households with crop seed (31 490 kg of cowpea, 80 955 kg of groundnut, 776 kg of sesame and 2 145 kg sorghum) and vegetable seed (137 kg of amaranth, 137 kg of collard, 137 kg of eggplant, 341 kg of okra, 137 kg of onion, 205 kg of pumpkin, 137 kg of tomato and 205 kg of watermelon).
Provided 6 570 households with 2 975 garden hoes, 2 975 malodas, 2 975 rakes, 2 975 sickles and 2 975 watering cans.
Trained 8 590 people on best agricultural practices through agro-pastoral field schools.
Produced 128 land cover maps and distributed them to relevant line ministries to facilitate natural resource management (NRM) planning.
Established 12 NRM committees with 15 members each and trained each on participatory NRM and conflict resolution in cross-border areas.
Conducted 19 seasonal migration conferences that included participants from 15 villages to resolve resource-related conflict.
Established eight tree nurseries and provided them with a total of 40 kg seed (eucalyptus, guava, leuceana, mango, sesbania and teak).
Installed four solar-powered boreholes and handed them over to the community.
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