The Last of Us Part 1 Quarantine Zone Collectibles Guide

2022-09-03 01:38:28 By : Ms. Sara Ye

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If you're playing The Last of Us Part 1, then you must be looking for all of the Quarantine Zone collectables. As soon as the stress-inducing flashback ends and you're now Joel 20 years later, your mission of finding every collectable in The Last of Us Part 1 begins. Here is where all of The Last of Us Part 1 The Quarantine Zone collectables are through a deep exploration of the level. 

As you begin the chapter, you'll be in an apartment building, teaming up with Joel's business partner Tess. They go out and try to get past a crossing, but the Fireflies come to wage war. Joel and Tess back out and find their way to an abandoned pizzeria with a jukebox. You'll be nearby the first The Last of Us Part 1 The Quarantine Zone collectible here. 

Go outside and across the street. You'll eventually find a ladder up to the second floor of the opposite building. You'll see a pool table in the middle of the room with a flat-screen television in the corner. Now, walk directly across the pool room where you see two beds laid on the ground. You'll see the firefly logo above them. On the ground to the left of the beds, you will find your first firefly pendant. This is for David Michael Vigil.

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After leaving the spore-ridden building, you'll see a former basketball playground nearby an auto repair shop. Go past the hoop and you'll enter a warehouse after Tess makes an entrance. You'll pick up a plank, and Tess will "handle it," making a bridge for you to cross. Jump down from the metal staircase, and walk down the alleyway on the right. Work your way around the area until you duck under another metal staircase. You can find the second pendant hanging on a branch in a tree. It's very hard to spot, but look on the left side of the branches and turn your torch on.

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At the end of the chapter, you'll meet Ellie. Directly after the cutscene, Joel and Ellie begin to head off into the streets. In the first area, you'll see a bunch of dead bodies. Go to a blue newspaper box, and you'll see a man that has fallen down to the ground. To the right of him, you can find his pendent. 

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Shortly after picking up the David Michael firefly pendant, you'll drop down a floor. Joel and Tess have to put on masks to protect themselves from spores. After you either sneak past or defeat the infected, go up the stairs to the second floor. Don't leave the building yet. Go left and then open the door in front of you. Inside, you'll see a small office, but look to the right, and you can pick up a document called "Note To Brother" from the table next to some health.

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At one point in the chapter, you'll walk through a market-like environment with some unsavory characters sitting around and talking to both Joel and Tess. After you've passed this spot, you'll see a notice board with everyone that is wanted. You'll notice a picture of an African-American woman named Marlene. Pick up the paper with the triangle button to collect the second artifact. 

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Now, turn 180 degrees from the wanted board, You'll see a man in a green jacket in front of some blue totes. Look to the left of the totes to find a drafting notice with a very crude marking on it.

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The next artefact is at the beginning of the docks area. Turn right and you can see a blue boat in the water underneath a crane. You'll find the Shipping Manifest in front of a blue bin to the left of the boat. 

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Go into the warehouse from where the Shipping Manifest was nearby. On the right side, you'll see a red boat with a big hole in the middle of it. Look down in front of some blue bins with cloth inside, and you'll be able to pick up the Docks Note. 

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That's where all The Last of Us Part 1 Quarantine Zone collectables are. You'll also be able to unlock different costumes inspired by other PlayStation games like God of War.

For more The Last of Us Part 1 guides, be sure to keep reading GGRecon.

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