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N on-residential property at Ballynacargy is in one block with a farm road accessing a range of large fields
Suitable as a dairy holding: The Ballynacargy farm has a small yard with cattle-handling facilities
The 154ac farm at Ballynacargy in Co Westmeath comes to auction this Thursday with a guide of €1.4m.
The holding is serviced by internal roadways, suitable for dairying.
A 19ac portion of a 57ac farm at Carrignagower, Lismore in Co Waterford has 430m of road frontage.
The farm at Lismore will be offered in three lots with an overall guide of €470,000.
Westmeath and Waterford are well down the list when the counties of Ireland are listed alphabetically, but they are far from the bottom when it comes to land quality and sales.
T his week will see the sale of substantial farms in both counties.
One of the largest Westmeath farms to come on the market in some time — a 154ac holding at Ballynacroghy, Ballynacargy — goes under the hammer of Dillon Murtagh this Thursday, with a guide price of €1.4m.
Situated between the villages of Ballynacargy and Rathowen, it is described as a “top-quality, free-draining, farm of limestone land”.
The 154ac farm at Ballynacargy in Co Westmeath comes to auction this Thursday with a guide of €1.4m.
The property is in one block with a farm road accessing a range of large fields.
All the lands are in permanent pasture with no waste and a natural water supply together with a mains water connection and mains electricity.
Facilities on the land include a large and well laid-out modern cattle crush and pen on a concrete slab suitable for further development.
The holding is serviced by internal roadways, suitable for dairying.
According to the auctioneer, the holding could be used for any farming enterprise.
The layout of the fields and the presence of internal roads make the place eminently suitable as a dairy holding.
The hybrid auction takes place online and at the Greville Arms Hotel, Mullingar at 3pm this Thursday, September 15.
Also this Thursday, a 57ac farm at Carrignagower, Lismore in Co Waterford will go under the hammer of Raymond Potterton Auctioneers.
The property will be sold in lots or as an entire with an overall guide price of €470,000.
The first lot is a 19ac parcel in four fields of level, well-fenced land with 430m of frontage to the local secondary road.
A 19ac portion of a 57ac farm at Carrignagower, Lismore in Co Waterford has 430m of road frontage.
Crops of silage and hay have been harvested from this portion over the years, and according to Stephen Barry of Pottertons, it would be a lovely location for a house. This is guided at €9,000/ac.
The second lot extending to 25.5ac is in five fields of permanent pasture, located 1km from the first lot.
The elevated ground is divided by hedgerow that includes fine stands of beech, oak and chestnut.
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While the land is sloping, most of it is workable with machinery.
An area of scrub included in this portion is described as “ground that could be brought back into agricultural production with some reclamation work”.
The farm at Lismore will be offered in three lots with an overall guide of €470,000.
The 25.5ac parcel is guided at €8,000/ac.
The final lot is a 12.5ac piece of “high-quality, well-fenced ground in permanent pasture with almost no waste”.
Situated 500m from Lot 2 it is accessed via a 375m lane, it is guided at €7,500/ac.
The auction will take place at 3pm on this Thursday, September 15 at Lawlor’s Hotel, Dungarvan and online via the LSL platform.
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